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The Technical Chamber of Greece / Regional Department of Western Greece (TCG/RDWG) was founded in 1950, is one of the 17 regional departments of the Technical Chamber of Greece and functions under public law.

It is the representative body of qualified engineers, with elected administration and is monitored by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

It has its headquarters in Patras and is accountable for the Prefectures of Achaia, Ileia, Cephalonia and Zante.

Its main objective is to:

Promote and develop Science & Technology in sectors related to the disciplines of its members, for the economic, social, and cultural development of the country, in accordance with the principles of sustainability and environmental protection.

Role, Services & Activities

The Technical Chamber of Greece holds the role of the official Technical Advisor of the Greek State, while the Regional Department of Western Greece is represented in numerous policy-making committees on regional and local level.

In order to perform its advisory role, the TCG/RDWG provides the following services:

  • Conducts studies on technical, economic or development issues of particular interest for the local society. Their conduction takes place upon request or on own initiative, utilizing own resources or in collaboration with other scientific institutions.
  • Conducts research on technical standardization and regulations and issues guidelines in order to support sustainable development, rational use of natural resources, protection of the environment & improvement of life quality.
  • Provides technical advice on issues within its scope, upon request by the competent authorities or other institutions of the public sector or unions.
  • Conducts surveys regarding the technical, scientific, engineering and related industrial activity, on technical issues, on manpower, equipment and technology, and compiles the collected data in order to provide relevant information to the competent authorities or other bodies.
  • Contributes to the design of technical education curricula and national research & technology strategies, in accordance to the development needs of Greece.

Moreover, core activities of TCG/RDWG are the following:

  • Informs the public on any issues of competence through publications, events or other appropriate ways, popularizing and helping the wider understanding of technical & scientific issues.
  • Carries out appraisals & valuations, institutionally recognized, facilitating legal arbitration and conflict resolution, on all matters related to the planning and construction of technical works.
  • Performs networking and dissemination activities with international technical organizations, associations of chambers, develops relationships with similar organizations in other countries, and organizes conferences, exhibitions and other events to promote its purposes.

Structure & Operation

structureThe TCG/RDWG has a flat organizational structure that allows planning and implementing its initiatives in a flexible and effective way, taking at the same time advantage of the expertise of its members, all holding higher education diplomas.

TCG/RDWG has approximately 5000 active members encompassing all engineering disciplines and employed in industry, construction firms, consulting offices, public services & organizations or self-employed.

Most dominant disciplines are civil engineers, architects, mechanical & electrical engineers, rural and surveying engineers, chemical engineers, electronic engineers, information & communication engineers and mining & metallurgical engineers.

The Steering Committee and its President remains the highest performing instrument.

Based upon the scientific & technological capacity of its members TCG/RDWG performs its consultation role through the establishment of permanent & special scientific committees and working groups.

The Permanent & Special scientific committees are responsible for producing scientific work through a collaborative process, holding a crucial role in elaborating on different views, shaping & documenting the scientific position of the Department and suggesting relevant policies. The overall activity and presence of TCG/RDWG relies heavily on the successful operation of the scientific committees.

The Working groups are formed in order to elaborate on special subjects usually concerning the local needs of the intervention area or in order to successfully implement co-funded projects. Engineers and other professionals such as lawyers, economists, sociologists etc. participate in the working groups in order to produce integrated and interdisciplinary results.

The TCG/RDWG considers the implementation of co-funded projects and the international networking and exchange of knowledge as the key factor to ensure long-term viability of its activity and vision. The ultimate target is to attribute added economic and social value to the undertaken projects and therefore to the society, serving its role as a technical councilor of the Government.

Having understood the importance of quality in the implementation of co-funded projects and other developmental initiatives, the TCG/RDWG has been certified for its management adequacy by the Managing Authority of Western Greece Region for the realization of actions without technical content (Type B) and in-house actions (Type C).

TCG/RDWG as project partner

TCG/RDWG capitalizing upon its member’s scientific & technological experience seeks to collaborate with European partners in order to develop and submit project proposals within the frames of the European programmes.

Fields of interest are the following:

  • Energy: Renewable Sources, Energy Efficiency, Natural Gas, Electricity, Oil
  • Industry: industrial zones, scientific-technical parks, entrepreneurial incubators
  • Transportation: Airports, Railroads, Ports, Highways, Urban transport
  • Environment protection: Water & Sewage management, waste management, chemical residues
  • Vocational training: all fields of engineering

Moreover, the institutional role of the chamber facilitates TCG/RDWG contribution on policy making regarding:

  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Rural Development
  • Employment & safety at working spaces
  • Public Administration & governance

Moreover, TCG/RDWG offers networking with universities & research institutes, industries & entrepreneurs and public authorities, thus providing a triple helix approach for potential project partnerships.

TCG/RDWG is an active member of the International Community and thus has established relations with many International and European Organizations and participates in several of them. Indicative list:

  • World Energy Council
  • European Council of Engineers Chambers
  • European Council of Applied Sciences and Engineering
  • European Council of Civil Engineers
  • European Federation of Chemical Engineering
  • European Group of Surveyors
  • The European Council of Geodetic Surveyors
  • International Council on Monuments and Sites
  • International Federation of Automatic Control
  • Association International de la Securite Sociale-International Section for the Prevention of Occupational Risk
Εμφανίσεις: 9803